Yellow Cherry Tomatoes

What Are Yellow Cherry Tomatoes?

Yellow Cherry Tomatoes attract attention with their unusual color. Yellow cherry tomatoes, which have a great place in the Mediterranean cuisine,
In recent years, it has started to be produced more due to intense demand. Yellow tomatoes with high vitamin A and provitamin value,
It is one of the foods that should be included in a healthy diet.

Where Do Yellow Cherry Tomatoes Grow?

Yellow cherry tomatoes are easily grown in temperate climates. Greenhouse production is very common in Turkey. Yellow cherry tomatoes planted in greenhouse approx. It will start to bear fruit after 60 days. If you want to grow yellow cherry tomatoes in your home; You need to maintain the proper temperature.
Yellow cherry tomatoes have a structure affected by cold and wind.


Benefits of Yellow Cherry Tomatoes

Yellow cherry tomatoes strengthen the immune system. Yellow cherry tomatoes containing lycopene maintain body resistance. cholesterol level
It balances and runs the intestines because it has a fibrous structure. It contains niacin, which gives strength to blood vessels. body's water needs
and maintains the moisture balance of the skin.

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