
It is a perennial herb that grows naturally in the Mediterranean region. Its onion becomes very long and shirted. Leeks are planted in spring to get crops in summer or in summer to get crops in autumn and winter. It is a culture plant cultivated in Western Anatolia.

Leeks are one of the most common vegetables. Leeks have diuretic properties; In addition, leek syrup is a chest softening medicine, it is good for cough. Two main types of leeks are grown in Turkey: 1. reed leeks are the best; The edible stem (white) is about 40-50 cm. It is delicious and efficient. It is mostly grown in Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir and Ankara; 2. Black leek has more green than white; not as tasty as the first; It is mostly grown in Central Anatolia and Denizli. It is winter hardy.

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